Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For a Better World by Roland Schimmelpfennig – SBW Stables, ‘till 29 January 11

“Mixed reviews”, I believe is the term. It seems to be a polarizer. Some audience sit pensive and others laugh violently. In the little space of The Stables, I can see the assistant director sitting on the opposite bank of seating, smiling satisfactorily while the shock of horror is on the audience member’s face sitting next to him. What they’re saying is

Lloyd Bradford Syke, Crikey Mag, Curtain Call:
"designer Kate Davis...visually expand[ed] the tiny Stables Theatre stage to epic proportions, with a kind of protean Dr Who-like aesthetic."

Olga Azar, City News Online, Alternative Media Group:
"This production straddles the line between weird and just too weird, but it is engaging, provoking and absurd in a good way."

Neil Litchfield, Stage Whispers:
"It won’t please an audience looking for a conventional theatre experience."

Augusta Supple:
"A stunning design. Noyes’ production team are incredible."
"I absolutely applaud the brave and sassy vision of this production – robust and vivid imagery."

It’s my second time as a producer and I’m watching myself climb that steep curve and learning how I’ll save time and complications…next time. And I've loved watching my friend Daisy Noyes create such a wonderful beast.
My opinion is that we’re kicking it despite being a “Non-Sydney Festival Show”.

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